Job Coaching

  Congrats on your new job! Good thing you don’t have to go it alone, Job Coaches can go with you to your new job and help you get used to it. You have a job now and you want to keep it; it can be helpful and comforting to have someone make sure you know exactly what to do. Your Job Coach can be there a little or a lot depending on what you need. The goal is to not need a Job Coach forever, but you will not be without one until you’re ready. Your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor will give you choices of who you want to be your Job Coach, you get to pick and decide. You also get to decide how this person can best help you, they can go to the job with you, help you with a work routine, help talk to the boss or coworkers, or other things you might need. If you need something that a job coach can’t do, your Service Coordinator or Personal Agent will help you get the right person to make sure you’re good to go. Click here to learn more about Job Coaching.
